Friday, November 14, 2008

Curious data loss incidents

Have just spotted a response by Geoff Hoon saying,
The Department for Transport has recorded 27 personal data related incidents in 2007-08 in its resource accounts published in July 2008.

The equipment lost in relation to these incidents recorded was five laptop computers, five Blackberrys, one USB memory device, and one removable hard disk drive.
So that's 12 devices which amounted to 27 personal data incidents? Is that 27 piece of personal data? Personal to who? Curious.


Anonymous said...

I always tend to consider the loss of a memory stick to be somewhat akin to losing a stapler in the office - not something you would report.

Unless of course the memory stick had something of importance on it.

Which suggests (to my cyncial mind) that a significant data loss occurred.

Pogo said...

They've probably lost the laptop with the details of the other 16 losses stored on it...

w/ver: "ungles" - missing a "b" methinks!

Anonymous said...

It's 12 devices.

dizzy said...

Blonde moment

Anonymous said...

Is a personal data related incident only an incident if equipment goes walkabout?

Email sent to the wrong people and paper documents getting lost might explain the difference between incidents and equipment lost.

Shug Niggurath said...

Seems to me that what he's saying is that there have been 27 recorded data breaches that also involved 12 devices going a-missing.

So the other 15 were staff accessing data that should not have been accessible?

Which makes me more concerned due to the pressure to 'get it all in the database'...

J said...

12 lost, 15 recovered?