The general thrust (which others papers have also pondered upon) is whether Robert Peston - the BBC Business Editor who moves markets - might just be a little to influential and dangerous with his exclusive leak breaking.
Update: Just to clarify, as per some of the comments, Michael Howard wrote to the Financial Services Authority, not the Serious Fraud Office.
Update II: Story disappeared on Machiavelli blog. Weird.
The Rt Hon Michael Howard QC MP penned the letter and so he should. Peston's "insider info" should never have been publiished by any responsible media organisation.
No he didn't, you are referring to a letter by Howard to the FSA link. This is a different letter.
Guido has a copy of a letter from Michael Howard to the FSA about Robert Peston:
Also, this made me giggle like a loon when I found it yesterday:
Yes, that is the link I just posted, Guido has also linked to the Machiavelli post as well. Different letter
Change "has" to "had" the link has disappeared as too as the Machiavelli post. All very weird
It's a conspiracy.
I bet all those papers would be quite happy to have him writing the reports for themselves!
Robert Peston is part of the NuLab/BBC ruling clique and therefore any investigation (if even held) would report that it would not be in the public interest to proceed with any prosecution. We were told that the Labour party are the political wing of the British people and we know that the BBC are now the mouthpiece of the Labour party, so how could prosecuting a BBC reporter be in the public interest? Cynical or realistic?
Robert Peston should really think before he opens his mouth. I believe that he actually thrives on decrying this country. His speculation and suggestions are always negative to the interests of the UK (and even worldwide). Isn't it about time that the Media etc started talking more positively about the economy in this country and stop looking at all the negativity. It can be just as effective to talk about the banks/recession etc by putting a positive slant on it rather than decrying it all the time.
By his negtive speculation and comments (along with the Media in general), the ordinary person in the street is the main casualty and he should remeber this before he opens his mouth.
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