Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Climate Cops?

Given that I don't generally buy the Sunday newspapers I managed to miss the advert to Climate Cops, a website where kids are encourages to repor on their family about climate crimes. There is not much I can really add to the debate that EU Referendum has not raised already.

It is most definitely a disturbing development where forgetting to turn the light off, or deciding that your chilly so you turn the heating up is "crime". In 1984 the Thought Police have their own kids wing that are told to keep tabs on their parents or unorthodox activity, and we already know that there are some who have called for "climate change denial" to be outlawed.

Clearly authoritarianism is alive and well.


Letters From A Tory said...

Perhaps the parents will just buy their fat kids a Wii to shut them up?

Anonymous said...

LFAT, and heaven help the little bastard who leaves the Wii on standby

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am getting sick of the self-righteousness of kids. New rule: you can't preach to me about the way I live my life unless you are a responsible adult. And even then I reserve the right to deck you.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone should point out to them that the biggest climate crime of all is to have a kid - so the little buggers can then go top themselves.

'Eddie Willers' said...

Of course, this could be just a very complex ruse to deflect criticism away from npower and keep the enviro-greenies off their back when the howls for re-nationalisation of the utilities start up.

Oxbourne Limited said...
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John M Ward said...

I am reminded so very much of the original "V" mini-series, and how the youth in particular were used by the Visitors to tell on their parents and others.

This is how it is done. The Nightwatch on "Babylon 5" were essentially the same thing in an adult version, and I'm sure these and others have been based on history.

It's all done by fear and by making it a "duty" to do what the instigators want. "It's for their own good" is another of the common sales lines, of which there are no end.

Fortunately, on B5, Zack eventually realised enough of the truth to do what was right, rather than what he had been told was "right" (Ep 309, "Point of No Return", if my memory is correct) -- and we must all be similarly alert to attempts to manipulate us and our (okay, your!) children.

Bill Haydon said...

Dizzy, at least the Party were honest about it - the kids' wing was called "the Spies".