Where you get sent.

Yay for the impartiality of the Civil Service! Is it me or is Brown truly Mr Bean stumbling from one gaffe into another? I was under the impression he had recruited PR Gurus. More like complete idiots who have no control over what is happening.
From a blogging point of view Brown is marvelous. After all, his team of taxpayer paid gurus just seem to be creating stories left, right and centre (yes that was a deliberate joke about his indecisiveness).
Roll on 2010 I say!
It further contradicts itself - the intro text says "Here you will find a selection of *non-political* speeches, ..."
before linking the user to, erm, political speeches.
Not Mr Bean but Mr Blobby:
Yellow with pink spots
Speaks in meaningless repetitive phrases
Well meaning attempts to help result in chaos
also portly and plastic
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