Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The New Labour approach to graffiti?

I am led to believe that these are not photoshopped (that is not to say that they'e not). Whether it is a genuine approach by my local Labour Council to tackle graffiti I respectfully approach such conclusions with extreme caution.

Still, even if they are faked (good job with the fonts and colours) they still made me laugh my head off!

Hat Tip: Greenwich Phantom


Anonymous said...

They are absolutely photoshopped - take it from me. Perspective is out on both and the corner peel is pretty amateurish.

Anonymous said...

Do you think this might be connected with the 'Unlock Reality' sticker - some Banksy-style 'guerrila artist' going around putting up fake-official notices using council logos?

Anonymous said...

Didn't realise you lived in Greenwich Dizzy, you and I both!

Anonymous said...

Photoshop but not a bad job

Chris Paul said...

This is indeed redolent of the Banksy school. See my facebook picture for an example of that.