Thursday, January 24, 2008

Oh I'd never have guessed that!

OK I've come to the conclusion that I'm definitely on some permanently bad LSD journey. Page 13 of the The Times today under some story about how we're going to give fatties money to diet (will they buy chocolate?) is a small filler piece titled 'The coffee that can contain a third of daily calorie intake'.

The story details the shocking truth that a Vente White chocolate mocha with whip and whole milk from Starbucks is quite fattening according to a survey by Which? Magazine. Am I seriously being told that someone actually spent money on finding out that a coffee with chocolate, whipped cream and full fat milk might actually make you put on some weight? What next a survey that confirms Mohammed was a Muslim, the Pope really is catholic and Jesus was a Jew?


Anonymous said...

If Jesus was a Jew, how come in all the paintings he looks like an Italian?

Anonymous said...

And I bet you that story will have absolutely no effect on whether people drink that form of coffee.

anthonynorth said...

This is all part of the onward march of science and politics into commonsense. We're not supposed to use it any more unless validated by an outside authority.
Hence, commonsense is no longer commonsense, but dictat.
Strange how in the age of the 'individual' we're giving so much individuality up.

Anonymous said...

Get fat, get paid, buy more food, and we'll even teach you how to cook it!

Brilliant nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Another acid trip? Are you telling us you're having a normal university experience...?

Dave Williams said...

Much as I hate to say it there are a surprising number of people who don't think that there are significant calories in coffee. I've been doing Weightwatchers for a couple of years and lost a significant amount of weight. Whenever I'd mention to people that one thing I've done is stopped having things like Starbucks, most of them were amazed that a big latte with trimmings is about 1/5 to 1/4 of my daily allowance.

Anonymous said...

Dave Williams...

well yeah. A latte is just loads of coffee flavoured milk. That's were all the calories are.

Personally I couldn't give a flying fuck about calories, exercise or any of the other bollocks perpetuated by food and health nazis.

I'll eat what I want to eat, when I want and if I don't feel like getting off my lardy arse, I won't.

Anonymous said...

Is being a muslm different to being a muslim?

Mulligan said...

Memo to Ed Balls (hardly Mr Slim but obviously his culinary skills landed him such a minging wife); one hour on the school curriculum in choosing the least fattening coffee options.

Nevo said...

Can you also add to that, a survey to see what bears do in the woods?