Why did she donate £6,727.65 to the Labour Party which was registered on the 20th September 2007? For someone who was apparently strapped for cash, having overspent, and run up an overdraft of £10,000, why donate such an odd figure? Where is the 65p from?
Hat Tip: 'Gareth' in comments.
Labour MPs have to donate a percentage of their salary to the party every year.
Yep, agree with that. They all seem to make a wide range of payments though sporadically if you look at the register.
Very old story. HH sells herself on a streetcorner in SW1. Comes home that night and Mr HH helps her cash up.
"65p? Who paid you that?"
"All of them..."
Interest on £5000 perhaps
It all sounds very familiar Dizz.
Donate money to the Labour Party.
Find yourself unable to fund your spending.
Get Labour to help you get monies from elsewhere.
Where have we heard this before? Ah yes, it is what the Unions do to get taxpayers money and hand it over to the 'comrades'.
Wendy can't even afford to pay her electricity bill: http://coxsays.blogspot.com/2007/12/harmans-lights-go-out.html
Talk about keeping people in the dark.
Anon 17.21: Sounds more like a 'fee' then a 'donation'. Is it optional and is there a means of 'donating' without it having to be registered? There are very few MPs who have 'given' since 2001. By far the most frequent names are Barbara Follett and Siobhan McDonagh 'donating' to CLPs.
The answer is, because all leadership and deputy leadership candidates had to pay a levy on the donations they recieved back to the Labour Party to cover some of the costs of the election.
This was in all the press packs and much other literature related to the election, but that doesn't matter now we're all about mudslinging rather than facts.
maybe its a foreign currency converted into sterling ......
always gives you the odds ...
Party Member, if that is true, then how come Hain only paid £11,000 (50% more) when he raised almost a £100,000 compared to Harman's paltry 20 odd grand? Bigger levy for women is there?
All the deputy leadership contenders had to pay a 15% levy on the donations they received in their campaigns. That's what it is.
So she short then
I await with baited, er, fingers, Jon Cruddas's contribution.
Does the 15% also apply to Gord?
Alan Johnson's contribution of £10,199.00 suggests a campaign fund of almost £68k, but he has so far registered less then £54k. The difference must be donations too small to require declaring.(Similar for Blears but a much smaller difference)
Benn and Hain's contributions tally exactly with their registered campaign funds.* Presumably then, they didn't get any small donations.
* Harman's would too if you suppose someone could have added it up wrong by missing out one of her £2k donations.
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