Friday, November 16, 2007

Is the Adam Smith Institute opening a new office elsewhere?

The Adam Smith Institute appears to have relaunched its website. Now is it just me or is there a bit of a theme running through the images on the masthead? Are they about to open a new office elsewhere on the planet?


Anonymous said...

where ever it might be there's no room for a bald, snaggle toothed old git like me then.. btw how about a few lingerie adverts.. Guido Fawkes has got some.

Tapestry said...

That's where the money is these days - Asia grows at 10% ish while the EU struggles for 2%. Wasn't it all about The Wealth Of Nations, after all? The ASI has noticed. Shame Gordon Brown hasn't done yet.

Tapestry said...

Growth rate gives a distorted view, because it measures single years and fails to compound.

A 2% one doubles an economy every 40 years (approx). An 8% growth rate doubles an economy every 8 years.

By the time Europe next doubles (say 2050), Asia will be 32 times bigger than it is now.

Now do you get it?

The economic future is not Caucasian.

Anonymous said...

What plant? You mean they can build offices on plants, now? That's genetic engineering, that is. Soon, we will all be ruled by triffids and will rue the day we decided to play God... etc etc etc

Ralph said...

They aren't just what you find if you put 'office' into Getty Images or the like?

Anonymous said...

It looks like Singapore.

Hmmmm ... a bit of a worry.