Everyone gets spam these days, and most of receive all manner of phising scams. Usuually they get sent from a bank you're not with telling you give them you're password straight away. Sometimes they even do it claiming that it's to stop fraud.
The Government, and specifically Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs has also found its "brand" used to target people with the hope of skimming them of their cash it seems. Last month they posted on their website about the latest email fraud attempts. They are advising taxpayers that "never send out emails using [particular] email addresses" and then provide some screenshots of the scams such as this.
Now admittedly my cynicism knows no bounds, but what sort of idiot would believe that the the tax man would email you to tell you he owes you money?
"The Government, and specifically Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs also has found its "brand" used to target people with the hope of skimming them of their cash ..."
Isn't that what they do with it anyway?
Does anyone else enter made-up sweary usernames and passwords, or is it only me?
I miss 419eater, always a roffle to follow a stitch-up of a scammer.
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