Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Silence really can be golden

As a result of the train strikes today I am working at home which means I have Sky News and/or News 24 on in the background. Something I've noticed this morning is that, as you'd expect, the media love the dickhead story, but curiously there has been not one single official word from CCHQ about it. My guess is that it's being ignored deliberately simple so that less attention is drawn to it, plus no Tory MPs have to go on TV and start an internal public row with their peers and colleagues.

However, what this has meant is that we've had some talking heads instead, one of which that just so happened to be Iain Dale. OK, so I'm biased I guess given that we appear to agree about Michael Ancram, but his performance on Sky News was brilliantly direct in its damnation of Ancram's actions, also highlighting the fact even some of the more right-wing commenters on ConservativeHome are just as livid about it.

I also happened to catch a BBC appearance during a channel hop which was actually comedy gold as Dale did a posh voice impression and alluded to the possibility that Ancram had been chatting with his fellow landed aristocrats at summer garden parties and that they probably put him up to it.

The reason I mention this though is because it's probably quite a good thing that CCHQ chose not to put up an official to respond to Ancram's comments. What they ended up with instead was a blogger and commentator who could be much more direct and straightforward with his criticism than an official spokesman for the party could ever be.

Sometimes silence really can be golden.


kinglear said...

Dizzy - I think Ancram has been put up to it - DC can look different, strong and a leader by ignoring the whole thing. If asked by someone about it, he can say Ancram represents what the Tory party was, but now its new and improved,and in touch with the electorate. I don't live that far from Ancram, and, as are most aristos, he is perfectly charming, but somewhat lacking in the brains department. Interestingly, all the brightest aristos tend to be the second or third sons. One has to ask oneself if her ladyship has been off seeing Mwellors again....

Tapestry said...

good comment Dizzy. rename Wankram's pamphlet as 'A Still Conservative'.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they just agree with him...

Oh sorry, we're talking about Central Office aren't we?

More likely that the bunch of wets are too incompetent and inept to have noticed he said anything. They're still trying to work out the passes for the 2006 conference...