Friday, September 07, 2007

Predicting the decision on nuclear power

What a brilliant press release from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. The title is "Public have their say on future of nuclear power in the UK" and says,
The public takes centre stage tomorrow (Saturday 8 September) in the Government's continuing consultation about the future of nuclear power in the UK.... [the events] will help inform the decision due to be made later this year on whether it is in the public interest to give energy companies the option of building new nuclear power stations.....

The Government has reached the preliminary view that new nuclear would be in the public interest because it believes it has the potential to make an important contribution to the UK's energy security and to help to reduce the amount of carbon we emit.
Anyone fancy a flutter that when the 'decision' is made they simply take the word "premliminary" out of the last paragraph and republish it?

Update: Forgot the link to the press release.


Anonymous said...

Dizzy, where is the link to this, I would like to check it as a member of the public who has participated in their "public consultation," deciding whether nuclear waste should be buried under ground or at sea, or even dishcharged into space - as if I have any idea.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dizzy, I found the link quite easily. What I found interesting is that John Hutton plans to use a webcam to engage with publics. I hope to use this info in a local govt presentation I am making next week, it should make an interesting slide. Thanks, hope you are well.

James Higham said...

The key is in the words nuclear waste. "Waste". Was it?

Not at all - it was a vital process to shore up their position when the crunch comes - look, we consulted with the people, didn't we?