Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's all about Iraq!

I see that the German authorities have busted a massive terrorist plot to blow up nightclubs, pubs and airports in Germany. That will teach those pesky Germans for invading Iraq. Had they not done that then it wouldn't have happened! errrr you sure - Ed?


kinglear said...

Goes to show that " Something must be done" about terrorists

Old BE said...

Or does it prove that the German government have been harbouring terror cells and that the country needs "regime change"???

Anonymous said...

they were going to target american servicemen based in germany

dizzy said...

they were going to target pubs, nightclubs and airports frequented by multiple nationalities. Bombs are not designed to check passports first.

Anonymous said...

"Bombs are not designed to check passports first."

Just wait for the new-fangled rfid passports then

anthonynorth said...

At least, being joint targets for terrorist threats is SOMETHING that we have in common.

Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting we're no more of a target to these terrorists than if we had not invaded Iraq?

Anonymous said...

i dont profess to understand their logic, for sure others would have been injured, but the 'target' was to have been servicemen.

idle said...

To be fair, the Krauts are in Afghanistan. In a safe barracks in a safe province. They check the rations in the morning und play folleyball in ze afternoons. Und zey get medals for zis.

Chris Paul said...

They are all invaded out those Germans. Please don't take the piss. They would if they vould but they can't. Imperile Dysfunction?

dizzy said...

The target was Frankfurt International airport. Saying it was just about merkins is bollocks.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy while I take your point (Al-Qaeda will target any western nation regardless of the being in Iraq) they were also targeting the Ramstein military base - Reason, its the staging post for US troops going in or going out of Iraq.

dizzy said...

The targets as a total suggest that Americans are peripheral to the overall aim for these nutters.

Alex said...

And as anybody knows who has been to Frankfurt Airport, there is a separate gate and departure area for US troops, the entrance to which is quite conspicuous and obvious frm the main concourse.

dizzy said...

Your point being?