Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Girl Power!

Seeing as the Spice Girls are reforming and no doubt will cause some commentators to talk about "Girl Power" I thought I would post this video which was out before those five trollops came along. Saying that I imagine that neither Brown or Cameron in the current climate would find the lyrics to be particularly responsible, knives, guns and binge drinking.

On the positive side though, Jacqui and Carrie are gorgeous, they come from the area I currently live, and it's a damn catchy tune! I do worry though about this whole "violent lyrics" issue, at what point do you draw the line? What about if the music promotes depression and self-harm (see The Holy Bible by the Manic Streets Preachers), are we going to ban that too?

UPDATE: For some reason YouTube takes forever to load the video as an embed. Click here instead.


Anonymous said...

No linkee.

dizzy said...

there is.. it;s just YouTube being slow

Anonymous said...

Repulsive. There was no point in mankind learning to stand upright and figuring out how to make fire if this is the result.

dizzy said...


Anonymous said...

What the hell happened to shampoo? I tried searching teh interweb, but no joy. Any ideas?