Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fastest Government U-Turn in History?

Alan Johnson is speaking to the Labour Conference as I type and has been talking about, following on from Gordon Brown's speech, the need to solve issue of uncleanliness. At the same time his department has issued a press release with the title:
Johnson crack down on cleanliness and infections
So err... a few minutes ago they were going to punish those that failed to clean hospitals adequately. Now they're going to "crack down" down on the cleaners for errr... cleaning well?

Surely this is a candidate for the "Fastest Government U-Turn in History"? Or perhaps the Dumb Press Officer of the Year award for not using 'UNcleanliness'? Amusing that a department which deals with the body has a problem where the arse appears not to know what the elbow is doing I think.


eeore said...

Semantocs is the least of Labour's broken promises.


Anonymous said...


Given that you're an IT bod, could you please point me to a list of UK Web Host providers, that gives their market share?

(I'm a Pipex customer, just heard they're selling off their web hosting business.)

Anonymous said...

In spite of the evidence to the contrary I would never suggest politicians are idiots. It’s a very competitive sport by all accounts and no one can reach the upper levels of the totem pole with out being fleet of foot and mind. That said foolishness could sometimes be confused with idiocy. Witness the recent announcement by the Health Secretary that he is going to crack down on cleaning standards in hospitals (at least this is what he seems to intend). Deep cleaning seems to be the chosen way forward. Is this because it’s the cheapest option? Is it because it can be done quickly without long tail costs? Is it because he needs to be seen to be doing something? Is it all of these? Is it because it’s the only option open to him without making a screaming handbrake turn?

Anonymous said...

Alan Johnson's speech was a joke. How anyone can accept that as the talk of a future government is beyond me.
