Monday, September 10, 2007

Do you like fluffy kittens, or are you a Nazi?

Last week I predicted that the nuclear consultation was a sham and the Government had already made clear the direction they were going based on their press release. Of course, Gordon Brown wants us all to think he is listening, so they have to have the charade of a consultation.

The charade as well must be maintained even though there the nuclear question is such a family affair and that Opinion Leader Research seem to be a making a mint from it too. That research by OLR will make for interesting reading though, take a look at this question they asked on Saturday,
In the context of tackling climate change and ensuring energy security, do you agree or disagree that it would be in the public interest to give energy companies the option of investing in new nuclear power stations?
Guess what, a majority of people agreed, and when you count the "neither agree or disagree" (which will be tacitly taken to mean "go for it now, build build build!") the figure goes well into an overall majority. You can't beat a good loaded question to elicit the desired response. It's a bit like asking someone allergic to cats: Do you like fluffy kittens, or are you a Nazi?

Note: I'm not anti-nuclear power per se I should add in case anyone is/was wondering. However, seeing pretty shoddy loaded questions makes me questions OLRs credability even more.


Old BE said...

What I can't work out is why HMG sold off BNFL and the others just before starting another nuclear boom. Was it perhaps so that EdF could get a look-in?

Anonymous said...

Yer, good spot Dizzy. I thought there might be some mileage in Brown's consultation after he got the big environmental groups involved - how wrong was I!?!?

Chris Paul said...

Like he hasn't already heard what Greenpeace think on this?

Whole operation rather like that Free Europe sign up. Free Europe or Unfree Europe? Vote Free or Bambi gets it.

Old BE said...

I'm with Chris Paul for once. And anyway the greens are all very well but if we can't cut our energy use by 80% we can't be all renewable. That isn't going to happen overnight unless the unions have a plan to help us.

dizzy said...

Chris what is your point? Personally I think loaded questions, of all variety, are wrong. So trying to justify this by posing an example where others have done it is a bit pointless. Fact is, Brown is'nt listening, citizen juries and consultation are a scam.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy? WTF?

Of course they are loaded questions! have you not watched yes minister?

Anonymous said...

Do you like fluffy kittens, or are you a Nazi?

From my experience the two often go hand in hand. Though not as often as Nazis and Alsatians obviously.