Monday, August 13, 2007

Silly season banality (and wierdness)

Silly season always throws up strange, wacky and banal news story. Over at Comment Central they're having another of their competitions to find the most banal story of the season, with some rather amusing and surreal example. I will have to dig a bit for the banal, but I can give you a weird one.

Apparently a prostitute in New Zealand may be eligible for worker's compensation based on her having been injured when the car in which she was riding plunged down a hillside. It seems that the driver, who was a client, was taking her to a site for their 'encounter;. As a result the Prostitutes Collective trade union (yes they have one) say she has suffered "workplace" injuries.


flashgordonnz said...

Dizzy, have a closer look at personal injury cover in New Zealand if you what a laugh (not “work-place”, not even “work-related”). Or maybe it’ll make you cry.

She is undoubtedly covered, even if self-employed, as prostitution is legal in NZ. This is the closest we get to payroll tax or NI (the tax you have when you’re not having a tax, “only one penny in the pound”): the much loved Accident Compensation Corporation levy. Sorry premium. Compulsory...and as mean as cats wee.

I understand that at long last loopholes have been closed and now compensation is not paid for injuries incurred as a result of involvement in committing a crime. It took publicity surrounding a couple of jail-breakers falling from high walls and receiving combo to highlight this little loop hole...

And to be fair to the Prostitutes Collective, they are more of a trade association than a union.

guido faux said...

Are they going to "down tools"?

Athos said...

It strikes me that this is an example of a profession that could benefit from having a union: to help maintain access to good health and try to shut out the stereotypical abusive pimp.

Though it would most likely end up with an amusing acronym: OFFKIT or suchlike. And I'm sure there are more than enough entendre's about 'collective bargaining' to keep people more amused than objecting.