Friday, August 24, 2007

The Day the Internet Crashed

Purely as a point of nerdiness it did sort of happen once back in the late 90s, and it has definitely happened in the UK. If I recall correctly, both times, someone misconfigured a peering router on an Internet Exchange which caused a broadcast storm. You may chuckle at the video (because it is really funny) but it really is quite simple (theoretically) to bring the whole thing crashing to it's knees.


Newmania said...

dizzy said...
A greek island

you said

A geek isalnd you meant

arf arf

Surreptitious Evil said...

Mutter, mutter, BGP, mutter ...

Anonymous said...

Found this via Gizmodo...

dizzy said...

SE, if I recall correctly, and I can't find the bloody link, the thing in Florida was some sort of BGP storm thingymajig. I remember the same thing happening on LINX in about 2000.