Friday, August 24, 2007

Andrew Anthony is right

There's a rather good article in this morning's Times from Andrew Anthony the author of The Fallout: How a Guilty Liberal Lost His Innocence which, as I understand it at least is a book in a similar vein to Nick Cohen's What's Left which questions the direction the Left has gone in some areas over the past number of years.

The article certainly has a bold title, "Question to blacks: whats so wrong with coconuts? Talking about race shouldnt be off limits for whites" and argues that the consequence of identity politics and anti-racism is the reinforcing of racial stereotypes within the black community itself.


Newmania said...

Oops I did this one as well it was from the Guardian though. I `m less impressedthan you are

dizzy said...

I should say I've not read his book and this is the only article of his I have read. Others have suggested to me that where he has written elsewhere he is a bit shitty

Newmania said...

Makes me look like the soul of brevity I`ll say that for him