Monday, August 13, 2007

16-year old half coppers?

This story in the Daily Mail surely cannot be true can it? Apparently, Thames Valley Police are so short of staff that they've recruited two 16-year olds straight out of school to be Police Community Support Officers on the beat. I'm not sure what to say really.


Anonymous said...


jailhouselawyer said...

Radio, truncheon, handcuffs, CS spray, nappies...

Anonymous said...

Another 18 months they can go to war.

anthonynorth said...

Ah, the new inclusive Police Service. Soon they'll realise it may be prejudicial to murderers to not have a few on the beat.

Anonymous said...

Shit House Lawyer you are as witty and observant as, oh, I don't know, an axe murderer, maybe.

My cat is Alan Bennett compared with you.

Anonymous said...

Now even the kids at school are saying coppers are looking younger these days.

Anonymous said...

This may all be very amusing on the surface, but it is part of the socialist destruction of societal norms. Now children are going to be officially enabled to reprimand adults and give them orders. It's part of the ongoing programme of breaking down societal compacts that have served us for thousands of years.

It's of a part with trying to outlaw Christmas so as not to offend Stone Age immigrants, and to take piggy banks out of banking advertising for the same reason. And forcing "sex education" on five-year olds. It's the intentional breaking down of barriers.

flashgordonnz said...

Piggy banks are alive and well down under. But you'd think we'd use a sheepy bank...

Anonymous said...

Unless I am mistaken, PSCO's only have the power of citizen's arrest like the rest of us - except many of them (the PSCO's) are told not to use this power to avoid being sued. Therefore, in reality they probably have even less power than us normal plebs!

What's the point?!