Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Quentin Davies is 'putting children at risk ' say Government

The newest Labour MP, Quentin Davies, is already out of sorts with his own new masters it seems. Last week the newly converted socialist proposed a Ten-Minute Rule bill on codifying pre-nuptual agreements so that they would have legal status in the UK.

In response to a question about what representations he had made to the Government on his proposals and what the Government considered the impact of legalising the status of pre-nuptual agreements would be, the Justice Minister Bridget Prentice said
"[the Government] think that pre-nuptial agreements could never fully oust the jurisdiction of the court without putting vulnerable parties and children at risk."
In other words, Quentin Davies is, in their mind a danger to children and the vulnerable. A little harsh on the new boy surely?

1 comment:

Chris Paul said...

Er, that would be one he prepared earlier? But anyway, ha ha ha, always good to do a children at risk gag.