Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is the Department of Transport planning to outsource its IT systems?

According to documents released under the Freedom of Information Act by the Department of Transport, the departments Information Systems Strategy states the the future vision of DfT includes a world that
Has staff working flexibly and remotely, not only within its estate, but also potentially anywhere in the World
Anywhere in the World hmmm? Sounds like code for "outsourcing" to me. Especially when the next section in the document explains how the Gershon Review is driving their strategy. The Gershon review being all about efficiency and cost saving.

Now you might wonder why I would be concerned about cost saving. Well let me explain, I'm not. What I am concerned about is the possibility that the DfT, a department that already controls information like the DVLA database which we know has experienced information leaks might be considering outsorucing either it's management, or access to it around the world.

Add to this DfT role in the use of Galileo and the proposals for traffic and congestion tracking systems, there is not only a possible information security issue but also a national security one. Of course, this may be totally innocent, so I guess we'll have to wait and see, but it is clear from the strategy that the future sees global access to DfT information systems as a desirable goal.


Anonymous said...

"Add to this DfT role in the use of Galileo and the proposals for traffic and congestion tracking systems, there is not only a possible information security issue but also a national security one."

Oh noes! Osama Bin Laden knows that Junction 6 of the M25 is congested! Disaster!

Come on Dizzy, you can do better than that...

John B

dizzy said...

Who said anything about Osama Bin laden?

Anonymous said...

Dizzy you and I both know that this bunch couldn't manage the proverbial IT project in a brewery.... Problem is that they will outsource to someone just as incompetant - say Crapita - who will then ship it off-shore to barely trained IT(?) people in the mystic east .....

Scot McSweeney-Roberts said...

Sounds to me more like usual IT marketing BS, straight out of a leaflet from Cisco.

If they ever did outsource, it'd probably be to somebody like EDS, as opposed to directly outsourcing offshore. Not that that would necessarily stop it from moving offshore eventually.

Anonymous said...

"Unixman said... Dizzy you and I both know that this bunch couldn't manage the proverbial IT project in a brewery.... Problem is that they will outsource to someone just as incompetant - say Crapita - who will then ship it off-shore to barely trained IT(?) people in the mystic east ....."

Who will then sell all of your details onto the russian mafia for the purposes of ID theft. Great.