How interesting, yesterday in Parliament, the minister at the Department of Health, Ivan Lewis, told Parliament that Gordon Brown's preferred pollster and consultant,
Opinion Leader Research, had received a total of £311,744.69 since 2002. Payments were for commissions to "undertake a number of studies to support and inform policy development within the Department".
However, back in February some may remember that I
posted about the Health Minister Andy Burnham, informing Parliament that the Department of Health paid Opinion Leader Research £1.05 million for the "Your Health, Your Say" consultation in 2005/06. This poses one very short and simple question. Is one of these Health Ministers lying?
I'm guessing you got "is" confused with "which".
At least that would be my immediate assumption given the sterling past record of our dear leadership.
another day, another lie
One quoting campaign cost inclusive? The other just the fee elements for all work? No idea.
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