Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Where We Live website?

Ever heard of a website called "Where we Live"? Putting aside the God awful colour scheme, it actually comes under the responsibility of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Last year, between January and December it received 3,342 unique vistors.

Apparently, so the website says, they have "responsibility for cultural development across sport, arts, heritage, the built environment, and museums, libraries and archives." All sounds very important but not quite sure what it actually means. Such important roles and such little popularity or traffic.

Frankly, it looks like someone puked on the screen when you look at it.


Fidothedog said...

They can now hold their collective heads up high and add one to the stats for the site.

One question I have to ask is why did they get someone who is colourblind to design the website?

James Higham said...

Who chose that snot-green, I wonder.

Old BE said...

Another one to add to the government "cull" list?

SimonW said...

What does it do apart from being a link to pdf files?

Where do we live? only applies to England, the people of Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland know where they live - not in England!

Anonymous said...

Dizzy, and indeed others here, I fear you are all being far too kind.

Just what was that about?
