There is little more annoying than being stuck in a queue at a red light when all you want to do is turn left and your way is safe and clear. If there is one rather good thing the USA gave the world it was the concept of turning right at red lights. Many other countries have implemented it and it speeds up traffic. So why have we not done it here on turning left (given we drive o the other side of the road)?
I know it's something very small, wouldn't actually cost that much to implement (reprinting a Highway Code and maybe a few signs to remind people it was allowed). Currently there is a big debate going on in London (and possibly the wider country) about whether cyclists should have to stop at red light if the way ahead is safe. So how about introduce the concept of "turn left on red light" and speed up the flow of traffic?
No, just because something has been done abroad (where road deaths are often worse than the UK) doesn't mean that it should happen here.
Drivers of cars wishing to turn left will sometimes feel under pressure to proceed by impatient drivers behind them, when it is not safe to proceed. And also our roads and junctions are frequently not wide enough to incorporate a left filter, so impatient cars will be keener to mount the pavement (there are some junctions with left filters where this happens already, and it will be much worse if it is permitted at any such junction).
Having said that, it's amazing how well drivers often cope at junctions when the existing traffic lights are out of order. So I'm not too bothered if all (or most) traffic lights are removed, but turning left at a red light is wrong. Delayed gratification in practce!
It seems to me the whole concept of traffic lights is that the road is either clear for people or cars.
Letting both go at the same time is dangerous and confusing.
When I was crossing the street in America on a green and a car drove at me I didn;t like it at all.
Hilarious! You think this govt would implement /any/ policy aimed at helping motorists?! Hahahahahaha! Very funny mate!!
Because it would speed up traffic - something Ken Livinggstone appears to be violently opposed too. He'd introduce more bendy buses to counteract the positive effects
Im a big fan of this having family in the US. The worry would be can you educate people for these new rules? Some people still havent got the concept of filter lights and happily proceed straight on - nearly killing people when the filter says go left.
Traffic lights in London, in the view of Ken the mayor, are there specifically for the use of pedestrians. say that it wouldn't cost that much to implement, but many road junctions in the UK are quite narrow, so it would be difficult to find the space to add an extra lane at traffic lights just for turning left.
And I'm not sure it's such a good idea anyway. For example, it could cause more accidents at traffic lights where there is a pedestrian crossing with a "green man" lit up.
I think the solution is just to be patient!
What I esp like (i.e. hate) on Uk roads are the traffic light controlled crossings IMMEDIATELY before a roundabout. My fisrt time I saw a green light and sailed on through, suddenly having to slam on the anchors metres later for a roadabout. Only did it once, of course.
But my fav roundabout is on the isle of dogs, jeez did i do a double-take when I drove up to it! Health n Safety be damned:
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