Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Government considering age discrimination laws on the provisons of goods and services?

According to the Department of Comnmunties and Local Goevrnment Mionister, Meg Munn,
The Government are considering whether there is a case for introducing legislation to prohibit harmful age discrimination in the provision of goods and services as part of the Discrimination Law Review.
Where will this sort of thing end I wonder? At the end of the day, will we see it being against the law for a bungee jump compnay to not allow people to bungee jump because of their age? What happens then when the person has a heart attack during the jump?

The only people that such legsilation will actually help will be the insurance industry surely, who will boost their premiums? Would there be a baseline for the rules of say 18? Will over-21 only pubs become illegal if the age for buying alocohol remains 18 on the grounds that it is discriminatory? All seems a little silly too me.


Anonymous said...

That's SAGA screwed then.

Anonymous said...

Hey, but cool brands can still choose not to sell to, or use as models, fat ugly balding people. When they ban that discrimination, my modelling career will take off (my wife saysi've still got good calves).