God this is so
depressing. Apparently it's 100% ablaze. Don't know how, but if it turns out to be deliberate then frankly the death penalty should be brought back.
Update: The Times is reporting that it was "started deliberately" on their front page. Bloody tragedy.
Was there not talk of the Cutty Sark being moved a few years ago, because property developers wanted the site??
Burning at the stake would be appropriate.
Why no security or sprinkler system?
I also expect Tessa Jowell to announce immeadiate Lottery Funding for the restoration. What's the betting she deoesn't!
She can't all the lottery money is going to the Olympics!
Would they have to bring back the death penalty? Isn't "arson in a naval dockyard" still a capital offence?
Paul - Alas no. That was done away with in '71: "The Criminal Damage Act 1971 abolished the offence of arson in royal dockyards. The Armed Forces Act 1981 abolished the death penalty for espionage". Source.
Really grim. The best school trip I ever went on was to the Cutty Sark.
I'd been looking to take my kids round sometime soon.
"Burning at the stake would be appropriate."
Perhaps, but then maritime tradition has always had its own innovative approaches to captital and corporal punishment. Keelhauling repeatedly from bow to stern, rather than from one side to the other as used for corporal punishment, used to be popular.
B'Liar did away wih the last death penalty as soon as he came to power - for treason.
It was a bit of a give away of what he was up to but did anyone take any notice....
State sanctioned killing as punishment for arson? Jesus what a future Dizzy dreams for us!
Yeah because I clearly wasn't writing in an off the cuff tongue in cheek way :rolleyes
Any guesses about who did it? Someone,for example, who has taken Blair's Britain's 'mea culpa' for our great trading history? Someone who hates Britain, clearly ... and thinks we deserve to have our noble and illustrious history wiped out.
Hmmm ... I'll have to have a little think
Isn't burning our history part of re-writing it?
“Yeah because I clearly wasn't writing in an off the cuff tongue in cheek way”
Well, you are known to be quite reactionary at times so it was kinda hard to tell…
The destruction of the Cutty Sark, as well as being appalling in its own right, provides a startling metaphor for what has happened to our old and well-loved constitution this last 10 years.
There's a whole generation of thirty-something ex-schoolkids feeling inexplicably teary this evening.
Also - in a new triumph for our British education system, some brain-donor on BBCs "Have Your Say [If you're an idiot] reckons Cutty Sark shouldn't be restored due to her part in the slave trade.
Who knew the lovely old clipper was capable of time travel?
Yeah, but it will just be some bored little fucker out when he should be home in bed. Where's the parents..?
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