Sunday, May 27, 2007

Creation Museum opens with dinosaurs on the Ark?

Yes, it's true, honestly. A museum has opened in Kentucky dedicated to Creationism and in it's exhibition about Noah's Ark it has put dinosaurs on it. They also have an exhibit about how the Grand Canyon was formed in a matter of days during the flood of Noah.

What I find most interesting about this is that most evangelicals I've spoken too tell me that dinosaur fossil records are merely a test of faith from God. Whatever one thinks of that argument it is much better than denying the scientific analysis and thinking that dinosaurs walked the planet with human beings a mere 6000 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Next time to speak to an evangelical, ask them who Caan and Seth set up home with, who had their children?

Anonymous said...

Could it been that the dinosaurs were killed off because they lived closest to Noah’s Wi-Fi access point?

AntiCitizenOne said...

Who wants to worship a god who so obviously wants to fuck with your mind?