Sunday, April 22, 2007

Where's the outrage gone?

A month or so ago, a Tory councillor (pictured) found himself accused of racism when he "blacked up" for a fancy dress party as Nelson Mandela. Bloggers on the Left, like Gweirdo, didn't pull their punches, it was the Tories and racism for every one to see. Since then, even Nelson Mandela himself said that it wasn't racist but that news wasn't carried by any of the lefty blogs that I recall (I accept I might be wrong though).

The reason I bring this up though is because I'm a bit concerned that there's not been similar outrage at the BBC's "Ruddy Hell - It's Harry and Paul". For that don't know, that's the new Harry Enfield series. In it, Enfield blacks up as Nelson Mandela and has him doing adverts for his personalised products. The other night he was selling Mandela Ecstasy tablets.

Now personally I don't think there is need for outrage over it. Frankly, Harry Enfield's new series is rubbish in my opinion, and the gags are weak. Even so though, no one has said a thing about his blacking up. There have been no cries of racism, or about pretending to be Mandela selling drugs (you'd think there would be people claiming that it was pandering to stereotypes right?).

Such is the way of politics I guess. If a Tory blacks up as Mandela at a fancy dress party it's secretly racist. If a comedian does it and pretends to be a drug dealer it's OK. It's a mad, mad world!


Chris Paul said...

You wouldn't have caught me critting the poor deluded Tory fool. The more of this the merrier really.

Harry Enfield IS a bit of a Tory isn't he? But he has the defence of "humour" in the case that any of his "juxtapositions" called action on defamation.

Silly Tories have this to a lesser extent. Did you see Bullingdon Boy Cameron on the Politics Show this pm calling for more respect for property and better behaviour? I blame the inbred parents of these aristos. Unelectable Toff IMO.

Anonymous said...

The tory councillor looks like an idiot and blacking up is wrong. a smooth hit on Harry and Paul. Enfield is past it he hasn't had a funny idea since Kevin the teenager. Whitehouse on the other hand needs to ask himself why he got back with this fool. After striking out on his own with great success this new series is not a step backwards more of a hop,skip and jump.

lilith said...

The Nelson Mandela sketch was the funniest thing on the whole show.

Peep Show much funnier. I'm surprised the lefties are not up in arms about that...

lilith said...

Sorry Dizzy, I have been a crap stalker and I resign. I know nothing about you except that you have a huge brain, bags of energy and an SUV. I dont even know where you live. Stalking is not for me afterall...Good luck...looks like this Chris Paul is up for the job though...

Bob Piper said...

You just aren't looking hard enough dizzy...

Anonymous said...

You clearly haven't been paying attention. One blacking up does not a racist make. However, blacking up AND writing articles about stopping all immigration to prevent Britain from becoming the 'dustbin of the world' does, you must surely agree, certain racialist tendencies.

As it happens, I was writing about him last week:

dizzy said...

Bob and James, I don't understand the relevance of your posts to mine which was actually about the lack of reaction to Harry Enfield dressing up as Nelson Mandella and selling drugs