Wednesday, April 18, 2007

UKIPHome upsets UKIP?

Interesting, the unofficial voice of UKIP, Chad Noble, appears to be pitching his UKIPHome site as just "UKIP" on News Now. This sort of gives it the smell of being official when it isn't. Word is UKIP are not very happy about it. Naughty Chad!


Anonymous said...

LOL. Talk about a made up story Phil! NewsNow choose their titles not me. Why don't you do me a favour and ask them to change it?


dizzy said...

Don't think they do Chad.

Anonymous said...

I didn't pick that, I just submitting the RSS url which I'm sure you know very clearly details its unofficial nature and gave a confirmation email address.

Do me a favour and mail them will you? I'd like 'UKIPHome' as my title. Please copy me in on the mail. I'll buy you a pint some time to thank you.

The whole point of the blog is to be unofficial so you will be doing me a small favour.

Cheers and have a great weekend!

dizzy said...

Do it yourself you lazy bastard.

Anonymous said...

LOL. You're the one who's moaning about it!

It's not as if I'm asking you to pick up my dry cleaning.

dizzy said...

I;m not moaning about it, no skin off my nose what you choose to do. I'm just reporting it.

Anonymous said...

Well my dry cleaning still needs picking up. Why not report that too?

You certainly grab the big stories! :-)

dizzy said...

Because you're silk stained boxers are not worth it? Amsuing that you've suddenly appeared, have you been told off again?

Anonymous said...

I think you've got the wrong story. It was actually my Ellie Bland post that upset UKIP, but then it does go to show that the site is behaving like a good 'home' site by questioning as well as supporting the party.

You're right, I am a naughty boy. :-)

dizzy said...

Actually I havn't got the wrong story. This annoyed them aswell.

Anonymous said...

Naughty me.

Well as long as they don't expel me, I'll keep plugging away.

If they kick me out, I'll just go and do something else. No sweat. :-)

They're not my paymasters, just the party closest to my views.

BTW, why do you have comment moderation? What's wrong with free speech?

dizzy said...

I don't trust cunt's like Tim Ireland and I've had people trying to sell printers in the comments. Can;t be arsed with the deleting, easier just to see what is posted then moderate it in. Nothing wrong with free speech, this is my website though, like my home, it's property. My proeprty rights, my rules.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. I've recently opened up ukiphome for anonymous posters but have an increasing number of autofilters to stop spammers etc.

Well I think we've stretched this thread as thin as possible. I'm a naughty boy. I plead guilty.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

reading UKIPhome today (a mere two days after you posted this item), it seems UKIP have indeed finally had enough... the editor is doing his best to put a brave face on it though - bless!

Anonymous said...

Er, just been offered a new job, thus I haven't got the time to run a blog at the mo.

Good spin attempt though, but what happens if the site comes back because me or the co-eds have more time or we start a new one etc. You'll look a little bit silly, eh?

Don't play with machinery that you don't know how to operate. ;-)