"there may be as little as a decade to stop adding to the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere before its too late to prevent irreversible climate change.... as your MP it is my duty to help the Government succeed in tackling climate change."Obviously when he says that it is his "duty to help the Government succeed in tackling climate change", what he actually means is that it is his duty to make all of us do what he says, and not watch what he does.
In November, he thought nothing of hopping on a plane for a two day freebie jolly to Spain for the launch of the Jaguar XKR. The Jaguar XKR is not exactly a car in line with Simon's proud boasts about tackling climate change, what with its 267g/km emission rate.
Irrespective of whether one believes or disbelieves the veracity of the "climate change", if you claim to be on the "we're doomed" side of the fence, then casually flying to Spain to support a car that doesn't fit with that position makes you look, well, a bit silly at best and a hypocrite at the worst.
This is useful campaigning literature. I think it's already been established that Sion Simon looks silly. How do you think Sion would respond to the charge of hypocrisy? Probably, the same way as he responded to the private equity baron funding of Labour as seen on Newsnight - why should Tories be the only people who can have fun.
Sion Simon?
Sum mishtake shurly, ed?
His real name is Sion B'Stard. Honest.
Just let this Pratt speak enough on TV or Radio and the Tories will not need to spend a penny at the next election. Never voted before and have just seen a video in which he was so rude to the poor Sky reporter who was just doing her job. Man of the people my ass, pompous idiot more like it.
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