Give them credit at least for trying, but you have to laugh a little at the Labour Party's decision to set up a YouTube page. After all, as you go to it you can actually see how many people are not watching the videos.
This is made all the more amusing by Hazel Blears in her video where she says that Labour are using new technology to "reach out to people who support us already and hopefully millions of people" underneath which the number of views is errr... proudly displayed.
Now don't get me wrong on this, I have no idea what the traffic for WebCameron is actually like, nor how many people actually view the videos, but at least they set it up so that it wasn't proudly displayed to the world.
Update: Iain's little chipmunk has now made it to 64 views.
This has probably been helped along thanks to Danny Finkelstein, the Adam Smith Institute, and Comment is Free linking to this post. Never let it be said that I don't help the Labour Party out from time to time!
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the new political communication bandwagon. The problem here is the internet is a pull technology, any site must pull people to it, given that PEBs and PPBs are often switched off, party leaflets get binned and that website traffic is mainly journalists and the party faithful is this really the media to reconnect parties with the public. Give Cameron his due it was an original move and has a pull of its own, this does not strike me as serious competition.
By the way, couldn't resist seeing Blair's hit counter: whoops!
Can we all mark it "as inappropriate"?
You're such a tease. Sometimes you're in favour of transparency and sometimes not. I suppose it always depends on which face is facing forward.
Yours in Spin
That's such a pathetic thing to say. The Labour Party, or for that matter any party, is under no obligation to tell the world how few people actually look at it.
If it was a Goevrnment YouTube channel you might have a point. But it isn't so you don't.
Oh yes, and I'm not a spinning. It's called taking the piss, you should learn about it, it can be quite funny.
Eeee - you've got my little Chippy here. You know I've begun her campaign, don't you?
How many people are looking at Hazel's campaign vids? Or that fascinating reverse psychology thing produced for Peter Hain?
Clearly they need to get astrotrufing.
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