Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'll see your geeky wiki and raise you an even geekier one

There's an interesting post over on Comment Central today about the bizarre geekyness and nerdery that sometimes goes on at Wikipedia. Specifcally the post is about how Star Wars gets much more detailed coverage on the site than some more serious topics.

It's true that Wikipedia have a goldmine of information on the obscure and cult-status type things. However, if you're looking for truly geek/nerd cult status of obscure information then you really need you're own dedicated Wiki. I give you, Lostpedia* which ensures that you will be even more confused by Lost after you've read it.
* Contains spoilers.


gammarama.co.uk said...

No wiki page for yourself!!??

dizzy said...

why would there be?

Chris Paul said...

De rigeur for Tory bloggers? No not really. But speaking of wiki pages it has come to my attention that one of the community of editors who has been making useful contributions of fact to incomplete and disingenuous Lib Dem pages has been reported as a "vandal" and is instantly re-edited on trying to make valid corrections to certain pages. This seems very unfair. Is there a chief of editing that can settle disputes on whether edits are fair comment? Or can illiberal spoilsports take people who corrects their fibs out of the game with false claims of "vandalism".

dizzy said...

Hardly just tory, Tim Ireland has his own page.

Anonymous said...

None of my friends, none of my collegues, none of my family watch LOST. I was all alone. Now I am not. Thank you Dizzy!