Friday, May 04, 2007

Government CO2 TV advert is coming

There is very little that irks me more than Government advertising and the sheer volume of money spent on it. The Treasury itself has spent millions pushing its policies like the child trust fund which produced a reduction in uptake when the advertising spending went up. However, the Treasury's £3.2m spend on a campaign is nothing compared to the planned spend by the Department of Transport on their Act on CO2 campaign over the next year.

According to DoT it has received "financial approval" to "invest £10m from March 2007 – March 2008 to support the Act on CO2 campaign". This means the website (which cost £110,270)represents just 1% of the total budget. Purely as an aside, the website, for anyone wondering, received 36,147 hits in it's first month. Unfortunately the DoT were unable to guarantee to me that those were unique hits because the £100K+ website has "had some problems with tags".

Anyway, I digress, where on earth is £10 million going to be spent you may wonder? Well, it will be interesting to learn how much of it was and will be spent on the production and prime time costs of the forthcoming TV advert as "Phase 2" of the campaign kicks in. The advert will advise us all how to drive smarter (basically the list in video form), and then link us all to the website where we will find a list of low carbon cars.


Anonymous said...

Well they have 3 years to help us taxpayers be a lot poorer ,on the side maybe mcavity is making sure his aussy mate gets a good return from his investments in ITV.

Anonymous said...

wonder how many government ministers are now shareholders in low carbon car makers..

could be considered insider trading, i.e. minister controlled taxpayer funded advertising likely to push up the sales of cars.

You see just how much faith I have in our ministers...

Anonymous said...

Over 100k for that website? What a disgrace, the website publisher must have been laughing all the way to the bank.

Jonathan Sheppard said...

And just how much CO2 is produced due to the move to digital TV with many users having to plusgtwo appliances (a TV and set top box)instead of one.