In yesterday's Hansard he has begun his digging of the matter by starting with the Oxfordshire coroner. The implication in his questions is that the Government leaned on the coroner to hold the inquest quickly and avoid the surfacing of disputed evidence.
I should note I'm not endorsing his conspiracy theory, I'm just noting that he's started his investigative questioning. I expect many more questions will be made in the coming weeks as he's quite a tenacious bugger.
Seen this website dedicated to Norman Baker's antics? Norman Baker Watch
Tenacious and UTTERLY MAD. Someone needs to make sure he takes all his medcines on time. he's madder than Meacher. Which is saying something. See guillotine over at my place.
Thank god that there's an MP who wants to get to the truth behind the death of Dr Kelly and is prepared to do something about it.
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