Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Leeds Labour - organised like a well-oiled machine!

Oh dear, they don't seem to be very organised in Hilary Benn's constituency. Perhaps this is why the fancy Benn4Deputy website that RecessMonkey is supposed to be doing has still not appeared yet.

Leeds Labour - a well-oiled political campaigning machine!


Praguetory said...

Nice one Dizz, let's hope nobody has been wathcing that space for the last 2 years. I can beat you, though. Google Birmingham Labour and this is the first site that comes up. Last updated Jan 2005.

Anonymous said...

Tutt Tutt...... using IE now, are we?


dizzy said...

only on my work laptop and because taking the screenshot in Friefox would mean showing all the tabs of the porn I was looking at at the time.