Monday, March 05, 2007

It's always someone else fault isn't it?

Slow news days always mean I end up looking at the Health and Safety Executive website at lunchtime just to see what annoyances and idiocies my tax money is being spent on for the given week. The latest campaign is called "Watch Your Step" and is all about sliping, falling or tripping at work (the last of those is always going to be dangerous, especially when the walls start melting).

Joking aside this is a rather odd campaign. It is titled "Watch your Step" which implies some level of personal responsibility, and then proceeds to offer advice on how blame always lies somewhere other than the tangle-footed idiot carrying three cups of coffee who forget to tie his shoelaces.

Take responsibility, but sue the company anyway is the message being put out. I particularly like the fact that "watch where you're going" is not included in the list of how to prevent trips, falls, and slips. Oddly though, making sure you "look out for your colleagues" is. If you can't sue the company sue your mates instead!

What I want to know is, if I see a "trip hazard" what do I do if I have not had manual handling training and get a baackpain as a result? Can I sue the HSE for telling me to act to make my work place safer?


Jeremy Jacobs said...

Dizzy, you've hit the nail on the heads, Self-reliance and personal responsibility are no no's in Blair's Britain.

Newmania said...

I actually sell a web site package to pass your company through this without lifting a finger. You give them the training stuff to watch, they sing that they have watched it and you are in the clear.#

The training stuff is straight out of "the Office".
What an utter waste of time and money

dizzy said...

Complicity? You should be ashamed of yourself.