Thursday, March 08, 2007

Indy columnist says Downing Street was source of leak?

This morning's Independent carries a comment piece by Steve Richards which is interesting. Putting aside the fact that it's one of those "the Police have nothing, they are reaching, put up or shut up Yates!" pieces it seeks to destroy what Richards calls the "myths" around the Cash for Honours scandal. However, in doing so Richard said something that struck me as odd. He said,
"there is widespread and partially inaccurate speculation that someone in Downing Street was the main source of the BBC story."
If it's "partially inaccurate" then by consequence what Richards is also saying is that the speculation is "partially accurate" isn't he? I wonder what he knows.

Also, across this morning's papers we have a follow-up to what the Evening Standard ran last night about Ruth "I fell in with the wrong crowd" Turner. Apparently her mum says she is being isolated.

What has not been repeated, as far as I can tell, are the quoted "friends of Ruth Turner" in the Standard who said she was so loyal she would sacrifice herself for Blair. Hmmm ..."friends of..." I wonder who that might actually be? She may very well be loyal to Blair, question is, is he too her?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve Richards has lost it. He has published a few articles recently that you have commented on. Today's was treat. The reason the police have taken so long is beacause No 10 has not given straight answers to straight questions.