Friday, March 02, 2007

Former UKIP leader goes for a wander?

Has the former leader of UKIP, Roger Knapman MEP been left feeling "tired and stressed" as the euphemism goes after the shenanigans in UKIP over the past week?

Apparently he left his house to go to Strasbourg and ended up in Salisbury, having forgotten what he was doing. Perhaps this explains why, on radio, he's said to have denied OLAF are investigating Tom Wise MEP, even though he's allegedly known about the investigation since September?


Jeremy Jacobs said...


Having a dig at my former party leader. Tsk, tsk. Had a good laugh with him in the rain at Finchley & GG before the election. The buses at Golders Green Station were delayed because of our photoshoot.

Halcyon days.

Newmania said...

Tired and emotional was the Private Eye phrase