Thursday, March 08, 2007

Find me a shrubbery!

Great news everyone, the Land Registry offices around the country had an official skiving week just before Christmas to save energy. Apparently,
"Over the winter period, each office competed to save energy. The battle for cutting energy consumption was closely fought, but Swansea Office emerged on top by cutting energy consumption by 28 per cent, beating the rival Wales Office by one per cent.

Swansea Office liaised with contract maintenance electricians and restaurant staff to establish what non-essential equipment could be switched off from 23 December to 1 January. These included desk lamps, photocopiers, plasma screens, PCs and vending machines."
So they spent a week sitting in the dark using carbon copy paper and pens whilst drinking warm cans of Coke! They must be really pleased with their achievement as well because they won a prize too!
"The prize, a set of shrubs, will be presented to staff at the winning office on Friday 9 March."*
Apparently, the prize will be presented by one of the Knights who say Ni!
* This is NOT a joke
GNN Source


komadori said...

So they spent a week sitting in the dark using carbon copy paper and pens whilst drinking warm cans of Coke!
Think you'll probably find that, like much of the public sector, they were at home. 23 December to 1 January is the Great Christmas Shutdown. What's puzzling is that they needed to liaise with anybody to conclude that desk lamps and PCs could be turned off whilst the offices were empty.

Anonymous said...

What's hilarious is that some people think this is a GOOD THING. Any arsehole can sit in the dark (there must be a joke there somewhere, but it eludes me momentarily)and do nothing. This can be regarded as a GOOD THING only if the barometer of efficiency reads a resounding "no change" compared to normal output. More succinctly, would you applaud ambulance crews who refused to drive their vehicles in order to save the planet? No, because what they do is important; do we applaud local councils - well, I rest my case.

Not Saussure said...

I agree with komadori about this; I think that, rather than spen[ding] a week sitting in the dark using carbon copy paper and pens whilst drinking warm cans of Coke, they more likely spent December 23 -- Jan 1 having a Christmas break, like the rest of us.

It's hardly as if the Land Registry is an essential service that's going to be working over Christmas, is it?

dizzy said...

errrrr... I was taking the piss.

AntiCitizenOne said...

Running your PC in winter is more efficient as the waste heat saves on office heating bills.