Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't

I have a confession to make. I am starting to enjoy reading the Independent in the morning. Don't panic though, I'm not enjoying it because I agree with it, I'm enjoying it because it provides me with things to blog about before I go off and seek other equally enjoyable topics.

This morning they had a piece with the headline "UN condemns 'pathetic' global response to Darfur". When I read my instant thought was the translation "UN condemn itself for its own pathetic response to Darfur". Reading on though, it becomes clear that actually, what was meant was that America and Britain were to blame.

Apparently, America and Britain have failed to act to enforce the UN's will and that is WRONG. Obviously when it decided to enforce multiple UN resolutions on Iraq that was wrong too though. And you can bet that had America and Britain taken some sort of lead and acted, the angle would probably be that America and Britain were riding roughshod over the wishes of other UN members.

C'est la vie!


Newmania said...

I think you are starting to enjoy it because you are opening like a flower to the posibilities of intuitive reporting that , as I was saying , is actually where the votes are.

( Dizonian)

Don`t worry though your secret is safe with me .I await the first Blue is the new Black story...which is actually doing the rounds. Had to happen.

Bullshit baffles Brains ,always has ,always will.

dizzy said...

errr if you say so, although I don;t udnerstand what you're talking about.