Along with the evil that cows put us through by farting methane into the atmosphere - thus bringing the impending doom of climate change that little closer - it seems they are also
turning against their human masters.
ALLIANCE, Ohio — A northeast Ohio farmer was attacked by a cow and died a day later of a fractured skull suffered when his head hit the ground, authorities said.

Evil cows! Run away! Run away!
You know what, it might just be Ohio and not the cows.
Case in point,
"A Ohio high school student who decided it was a "good idea" to strip naked, anoint himself with grapeseed oil and "run amok" in the school's canteen earned himself a double tasering for his trouble, the Columbus Dispatch reports."
Do you think the oil would conduct the taser more?
Those cows look mean to me!
and I thought cherrie was on the freebie "charity" lecture circuit again !
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