There is also a rumour circulating that John McTernan, the Labour Party's Director of Political Operations in Number 10 has been canceling a number of meetings since the arrest of Ruth Turner and is handling the
Do they hope everyone is talking about the Home Office whilst Knacker nicks someone else?
Update 06:47: The Sunday Telegraph is reporting a new revelation about "cash for honours" including dodgy use of the word "hack" yay! The BBC isn't mentioning it at all, its leading with the Home Office story. Funny that!
Well, Dizzy, I can't see that working, as the Home office story will get knocked off the front pages as soon as another arrest happens.
This story looks set to run and run!
Dizzy, Iain Dale beat you to it. yes another story has emerged...
Dizzy, I think that your little scoop on the chairs being arranged on the deck of No10's sinking spin operation deserves praise!
Sun Telegraph say Yates hacked No. 10 computers and according to a westminster source found a 'file dump' (very Iannucci term)
Iain didn't beat me to it. My post went up ten minutes before him! :) He's not as quick a typer as me!
Obviously his update was before me, but then I was in bed.
This hiding bad news stuff dont work anymore if i see a big story like the home office splitting i now automaticaly look for the story being
buried.Does this make me a cynic or a realist?
BBC - just paid lackies of Blair's sleazy machine these days (Big Brother's Claptrap.)
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