Monday, January 15, 2007

Anti-Smoking Adverts

Some people may have seen the recent anti-smoking adverts by the Department of Health which feature people with large fish hooks through their mouths (pictured). Apparently theses adverts have received almost 100 complaints from the public for being "disturbing".

I can't imagine what those people would think of this anti-smoking television advert from the Czech Republic then?


Croydonian said...

The 'hooked' ads are rather nasty, and adjusting my cynical hat, I believe the aim all along was to get them banned so that the DoH could engage in lots of grandstanding about smoking being a killer etc etc and not merely unnerving.

Anonymous said...

Not great teatime viewing for my kids!

Anonymous said...

Chatterbox, the kids don't mind they think it might help you give up!

Bill Haydon said...

Not as scary as the Natural Born Smoker, c,1985 though.

Anonymous said...

My Czech isn't too good; what are they complaining about?