Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Police officer calls for DNA to be taken from babies?

I have to amdit I'd presumed this was happening already , but it seems not. However a leading murder detective, Commander Dave Johnston, has called for all babies DNA to be stored on the DNA database. We're all suspects in his world it seems.


Hedgy said...

Its so sad that the State has so corrupted a leading detective into serving it, that he forgets that he is talking about babies...This is institutional bludgening of the worst kind regardless of any thoughts of individual freedom. And He need not come back with the answer that it makes solving crimes earier. The State exists to serve the people bot suck out their individuallity. Having zero crime or a 100% clear up record is a scary concept, only viewed as a panacea by the control freaks of the Central Committee....

Jeff said...

I suppose it would save on police paperwork if we had to give DNA without being arrested, thus freeing up more police to walk the beat.

My god i'm slipping into Blair think!!