As most know, the recent Queens' Speech had a lot of stuff about law and order in it. We heard about - for at least the second time - how the Goevrnment was going to rebalance the Criminal justice system in favour of the victim rather than the criminal.
Many have suggested that the proposals on the table for giving extra-judicial powers to the Police and Local Authorities are an afront to the very notion of criminal justice and the court system. Interestingly, the Government and its supporters tend to argue that those who oppose such policies on the basis of justice are extremists and/or paranoid.
However, ask yourself this, if the Court system really isn't being gradually replaced with a Judge Dredd style society, then why is it that since 1997, 122 Magistrate and 22 County Court Houses* have been closed by the Government?
* Hansard Nov 23rd 2006
1 comment:
I agree. The government complain also about how long things take to get through the courts. Perhaps they should stop closing them?
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