Saturday, November 04, 2006

Quote of the Day No.74 - Richard Perle

"The decisions [on Iraq] did not get made that should have been. They didn't get made in a timely fashion, and the differences were argued out endlessly.… At the end of the day, you have to hold the president responsible. I don't think he realized the extent of the opposition within his own administration, and the disloyalty.

I think if I had been delphic, and had seen where we are today, and people had said, 'Should we go into Iraq?,' I think now I probably would have said, 'No, let's consider other strategies for dealing with the thing that concerns us most, which is Saddam supplying weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.'

I don't say that because I no longer believe that Saddam had the capability to produce weapons of mass destruction, or that he was not in contact with terrorists. I believe those two premises were both correct. Could we have managed that threat by means other than a direct military intervention? Well, maybe we could have."
Taken from an unbelievable interview in Vanity Fair. Why would prominent Republicans do an interview less than a week before Congressional elections slagging off Bush and Iraq? Utterly bizarre.


Croydonian said...

I have a fave quote /about/ the Prince of Darkness:

"When the air conditioning broke down in the summer, we all clustered around Perle's heart to keep cool".

CityUnslicker said...

Counter-intuitive marketing.

"we made a mistake, but we won't make it again. You can trust us now...."

Anonymous said...

they are drawing a line in the sand.
they did not want to go to war,dubya made them.
i bet they keep all the share profits

The Hitch said...

All part of the zionist plot to destroy America .
"those that the gods wish to destroy they first make great"
All the pieces are beggining to fall in to place