The Lib Dem parliamentary spokesman in Battle Mary Varrall, (I'm guessing that means PPC) has been reported as saying "who is this man, Gregory Barker... Probably, not the one that many thought. His constituents have a right to know what sort of person he is, not as a matter of salacious gossip, but so that they have an honest picture of the man who represents [them]"
I'd like to avoid scatological references but I trust she's going to be making similar statements in Winchester about Mark Oaten? I doubt her words will EVER come back to haunt her, oh no!
Note She also complained that Greg Barker used a plane to see what Africa was like. Obviously the Lib Dem leader of Sheffield Council, Paul Scriven, who sells holidays to Vietnam and the Far East, is not a bad person though. Totally different scenario entirely. Honest.
Liberals/Lib Dems have never changed their approach when it comes to dishing the dirt on opponents. Do as we say, not as we do is the mantra that springs forth.
Anyone who has ever seen them at work on the doorstep, contradicting themselves from house to house to secure votes, knows that they cannot be trusted.
I wonder what Mary Varrall's views were on her party's concealment of Charles Kennedy's taste for the sauce?
They are a mendacious lot those Lib Dems are they not.
They also had a go at Bob Neil about being three jobs Bob.
I went through their front bemch and listed 14 of them who have more than one job. One in fact has 4!
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