I imagine, if it's true, there will be a bit of scramble for the seat. After all, Prescott has a majority of over 12,000 so it's a dream for any wannabe or ex-MPs looking for a tasty sinecure. Possible names include the former Shipley MP, Chris Leslie; Ed Balls given he's lost his battle against boundary changes; Stephen Twigg, desperately seeking purpose no doubt; or possibly Patrick Diamond, former Special Advisor to Milburn and Blair. One other possibility I'm told is local councillor, Gary Wareing (who?).
Personally I think they should find someone with the surname Johnson to keep Alan and Diana in the neighbouring constituencies company.
Even Prescott's son was remoured at one point to be considering putting his name forword for the selection.
The "rule" was that all sitting Labour MPs should have informed by mid Semptember about their intentions to seek reselection or not (there'll always be late retirements anyway). The reselection process should started in October (see Ann Black NEC reports as a source). Always according to Black's NEC reports, decisions about AWS (usually made by the NEC after consultations with regional officers) will be made in January 2007.
Ed Balls will be a shoe-in I reckon.
Good story though Dizzy.
Well, I have to note that Prezza's departure is the Conservative's loss and the country's gain. Although Chris Leslie is a thrusting, ambitious sort, my money would be on Balls. Gordo will conspire, intimidate and sulk until he gets his way on this one.
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