Saturday, October 07, 2006

Google to buy YouTube?

A story which I'm sure the UK newspapers will all pick up on shortly is one that appeared first on a blog called TechCrunch yesterday. The rumour is that Google are in acquisition talks with YouTube with figures of $1.6bn being thrown around. Of course Mike at TechCrunch said from the outset the rumour was unsubstantiated, and it looks like the mainstream got their teeth into it only when the Wall Street Journal ran it on their site.

What's amazing about the WSJ piece is the sheer number of words they managed to squeeze out of the original story without actually saying anything particularly new. A quick Google search shows everyone reporting the same thing (including the BBC), yet the story remains, at the moment at least, an unsubstantiated rumour with a single source. Expect an announcement of sale at the end of Q4!


Anonymous said...

Does Google have any new inventions/creations up its sleeve that we should know about?

Anonymous said...

Will Google attempt to sanitise the content ? Things like the "Male Restroom Etiquette" and "Weeds Masturbation Etiquette" videos probably don't fit into their corporate image. You should, of course, watch them because they teach some valuable lessons.