This sounds more like the bird, being a conjoined twin, simply had a badly-messed up intestine. There probably wasn't a straight route through, so even if it did eat it would end up with an impacted gut, which would eventually kill it.
The actual cause of death is likely to have been dehydration from not drinking, though.
Haahaa - he just couldn't give a shit, could he? (sorry - appalling joke!)
This sounds more like the bird, being a conjoined twin, simply had a badly-messed up intestine. There probably wasn't a straight route through, so even if it did eat it would end up with an impacted gut, which would eventually kill it.
The actual cause of death is likely to have been dehydration from not drinking, though.
there ya go ruining the fun with science!
Dr dan that happened to Elvis.
apparently he was stuffed from arsehole to gullet with peanut butter based sludge.
As to dying from not drinking enough , never going to happen to me.
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